Monday, October 20, 2008

Left Hand, Meet Right Hand

So, I know it's Monday, but could ya'all please drink your coffee?

Let's start with our favorite brown shipping company. Mr. Brown has a package for our office that we really need. Mr. Brown took this package to a city 20 miles south of us. He put it on a truck and then drove it to a city 150 miles North of us, passing through our town on his way. The package will then go on another truck, come back to this town tomorrow, and finally make its way to our office on Wednesday. Um, ok...

Then there's the order I need to place. I called one store to ask if we could have the products delivered by the end of the week. The man on the other end told me we would actually have to come to his store and place the order before he could tell me when it would arrive. I said, "so there's no way to speed it up?" and he said that we could speed the order up but after we placed the order the computer would tell him the soonest it could get here. Um, ok...

Finally we sent someone an hour south (past the brown truck!) to pick up an item...that the company in question then sent a duplicate of with a person who had to drive an hour north to bring it to us...even though we already had it. Ok...

So this is what I am saying: I would rather change diapers. At least they make sense.


Anonymous said...

Silly, silly Jenn! Diapers don't make sense either. Ever cleaned up after a kid wearing a leak-proof diaper wasn't? Missing you and wishing you well, Shadowspring

Jenny-Fair said...

Nah, they still make sense--what goes in must come out! LOL

Shadow, did you ever see my post re: Family Fun? In the magazine thread, that is.