Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Musings

So, I am thinking of trying to post every day in April. After all, you readers keep saying you want more. I tend to think of good ideas when I am away from my blog and fail to retain them long enough to actually write about them. Plus my life has been so wrapped up in work lately, I felt like I was getting boring.

Today is my last day on the special team at work. That means next week I train for the promotion they gave me two weeks ago. This is both wonderful and scary-the job is kind of a big deal, to me at least.

I was home on Wednesday and Thursday but failed to do much from my to-do list. I am trying to sort out what is blocking me...I think it's that I am overwhelmed. Until quite recently I really had a handle on the housework and stuff, at least to a basic level, and was keeping from being overwhelmed. Then work stuff hit on the heels of the holidays and things got out of hand. Now the list is too long and the piles are too big and I don't know how to deal with it! Plus, with the schedule I have now, I feel like work days are work-ONLY days, and frankly, that ain't working! So tonight I am PROMISING myself that I will spend at least 15 minutes on one area of need...a la Flylady, I suppose, but I am not signing up for all those emails again unless I get in really deep, lol.

Well, I had better get back to work. Customers need me to wave my magic wand!


Cynthia said...

Fifteen minutes can make a huge difference. It's when I get overwhelmed and do nothing that it gets worse, but when I tackle something and can see a difference it inspires me to keep it up.

Donna said...

What Cynthia said. I am making great progress in some of my clutter zones today. Yay, me!

Where are those April blogs we were promised? ;)