Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quiet, Dedicated Space

I have three days to set up my home office.

This would not have been quite the imposition that it now is if I had realized, prior to Friday, that I can't have my home office in my dining room. The rules call for a door that shuts. This leaves only one possibility: my bedroom.

When we moved into this house two years ago, I took the small bedroom. The boys moved into the larger one, and that made sense. There's only one boy in there now, but that's a possibly temporary thing, so moving him into the small room doesn't make much sense in my book. But my sewing stuff is all in my room, along with my full-size mattress and box spring (no room for the bed frame!) and rather large dresser. Adding a desk and chair feels like putting together a puzzle that has too many pieces. I think the sewing room is going to have to go, somehow, which just about breaks my heart. If money were no object, I would buy a daybed and a dresser that was taller than it was wide. Money is quite the object, however, so I will have to spend the next few days putting that puzzle together.

The upside of all this whining is that, clearly, I was chosen for the work-at-home pilot :-)


Bagel's Life @ Home & School said...

I, too, had to give up my sewing area a couple of years ago. My machine is supposed to be in the coat closet when not in use. Currently, it's tucked in the corner of the dining area because I've been doing more sewing lately. But when I'm done, back into the closet it goes. :(

Sarah said...

:( about the sewing area


:) :) :) about the opportunity to work from HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!